Ramadan 2018/1439 Announcement
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The Coordination Committee of Major Islamic Centres and Mosques of London have confirmed that 1st Ramadan 1439 will be on Thursday 17th May 2018.
Isha/Taraweeh salah will commence TONIGHT – Wednesday 16th May 2018 at 10.30PM
Sheikh Mohamed Bakr will be leading Isha, Taraweeh (8 rakah) followed by Witr.
As usual Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Ahdash will be leading Fajr, Insha’Allah
Ramadan timetable is available on our website www.edgwareict.org.uk
82 Chandos Crescent, Edgware HA8 6HL
This year Tahajjud/Qiyaam al-layl will be lead by Hafiz Shaheen Al-Hoque (TBC), followed by witr in the last 10 nights of Ramadan starting at 1:30AM insha’Allah.
Ramadan Charity Collection at the centre for the following after Isha:
*Ummah Welfare Trust- Friday 25th May
*Human Appeal – Monday 28th May
*MRDF- Sunday 3rd June
Eid prayer will be held in open space for the whole family – 9:45AM sharp at Chandos Recreation Ground, Camrose Avenue, Edgware HA8 6BZ for updates visit www.eidinedgware.co.uk
Please park sensibly without obstructing or causing inconvenience to others, ideally park few streets away from the masjid if you must.
May Allah accept our fasting and good deeds. Ameen
Edgware Islamic Cultural Trust
82 Chandos Crescent,
Edgware HA8 6HL